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Functions of the Chamber
Functions of Somaliland Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture include the following:
1. To represent and safeguard the interest of its members in particular and business community in general.
2. To promote and develop the economy and provide the best possible services to its members on a sustainable basis.
3. To seek and find wider markets for Somaliland Goods and Services.
4. To collect, compile and disseminate statistical data and other relevant information pertaining to Commerce, Industry and Agriculture.
5. To organize/participate Trade Fairs, Trade Conferences and Seminars.
6. To maintain a directory of membership arranged by categories along with their respective activities.
7. To collaborate with regional/international chambers and trade organizations in order to foster mutually beneficial relationships.
8. To send business delegations abroad with the aim of establishing commercial links, promoting investment and trade, locating markets for local products and encouraging joint ventures.
9. To receive foreign business delegation and arrange meetings between them and the Somaliland Business Community to exchange information as well as experience for commercial relations
10. To study the problems and difficulties confronting the national economy and suggest solutions in collaboration with competent experts.
Services of the Chamber
Somaliland Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture provide various services to its members in order to carry out their business activities. The main services include:
1. Issuing export documents such as certificate of origin.
2. Attesting signatures, commercial invoices and other relevant documents.
3. Mediating and solving commercial disputes through arbitration amongst its members or between local and foreign businesses.
4. Offering advice, general assistance on trade and investment
5. Defending the interests and rights of our members and presenting their concerns and opinions to the appropriate authorities.
6. Arranging and hosting different training courses, seminars and workshops of interest to the members of the Chamber and the business community as well as the staff of the Chamber.